Well, I’ve finally made the leap and signed up for the first of (hopefully) many classes with the National Institute for Genealogical Studies. I’m starting off with Methodology 1, and after about 30 more courses I should have my American Certificate in Genealogical Studies.

The Institute is based in Canada, but all courses are offered online and are self-paced. I had a few questions up on signing up, and was surprised to get a personal call from the director, Louise St. Denis, in response to my email. We had a good 30 minute conversation going over what I can expect, how to save some money on my courses and supplies, and of course how absolutely thrilled I was to be “officially” getting started.

Class begins on September 4th, and even though I expect it to be the most basic of the basics, the fact that it is leading me on a path to more in-depth knowledge and organization as well as the confidence and authority to actually realize my dream of researching professionally is actually a huge relief to me. I not only have a goal, but a structure and timeline to follow. I’m DOING it!

Liza Reid